How to access?
How to unlock xGF Bot "Evie" for your Telegram!
Last updated
How to unlock xGF Bot "Evie" for your Telegram!
Last updated
There are 4 access tiers;
Simp Tier (Audio only) - Hold 1 $XGF
Friend-Zone Tier (Audio only) - Hold 300,000 $XGF
Girlfriend Tier (Audio only) - Hold 500,000 $XGF
Video exclusive Tier (Video & Audio) - Hold 1,500,000 $XGF
By using xGF you agree with our Terms of Services & Privacy Policy.
Hold enough to either be in the Simp Tier, Friend-Zone Tier , Girlfriend Tier or Video exclusive Tier then connect to the respective links for each tier.
Users can connect to each tier's resptive link below
Simp Tier - 1 $XGF can send up to 10 messages per day
Simps can access here.
Friend-Zone Tier - 300,000 $XGF and can send up to 30 messages per day
Friend-Zoned can access here.
Girlfriend Tier - 500,000 $XGF and you can send up to 80 messages per day
Girlfriend tier can access here.
NFT video exclusive Tier - 1,500,000 $XGF and you can send up to 4 (temporarily) video messages per day (you also have to verify Girlfriend tier to use the bot at this tier)
NFT exclusive tier can access here.
After verfication, you have access to one (Simp, Friend-Zone or Girlfriend) of the read-only groups, you can message the bot from there. To use NFT
You can Direct Message Evie (xGF) and send her your first message using this link!