$XGF Trading Disclaimer
If you do not agree with any term or provision of our Terms, you should not use our Site, Services, Content or Information. Please be advised that your continued use of the Site, Services, Content, or Information provided shall indicate your consent and agreement to our Terms and Conditions.
xGF Project´s socials may contain description of testimonials or past performance but these results are NOT typical, are not indicative of future results or performance, and are not intended to be a representation, warranty or guarantee that similar results will be obtained by participating in our project.
We have developed the next level AI BOT Voice GF on Telegram for the community holders to use. We've taken the concept of a virtual GF, infusing it with a delightful dose of memes, humour, and entertainment.
Your market performance may differ materially from those expressed or utilised by xGF Project´s socials due to a number of factors. As a provider of ENTERTAINMENT content ONLY, we do not have access to the personal trading accounts or performance statements of our users.
Available research data suggests that most crypto traders are NOT profitable.
Any and all information published/received is for amusement and informational purposes only and should not be considered tax, legal or investment advice. A referral to a token or project is not an indication to buy or sell that token or participate in the project.
$xGF is a utility token that for average user means:
The xGF ecosystem has a solid technical product with features and technical maintenance.
$xGF token is created to provide access to AI BOT Voice GF on Telegram. $xGF serves as a form of digital ticket to use xGF Services/products.
Holders of $xGF token do NOT have ownership rights or receive dividends-like profits from the xGF project.
$xGF token´s sole mission is to simplify the access to within the xGF ecosystem, promoting interoperability and enhancing the user experience.
$xGF token is primarily designed for utility, but it can also have speculative value in the open market via third-party services that CANNOT be controlled by the xGF team. Traders and investors ARE NOT ADVISED to buy and hold $xGF tokens in the hope that the utility will drive up demand and, consequently, their market value.
$xGF uses the hold2use model, that means the user has to buy and hold a particular amount (indicated in Gitbook and can be changed from time to time) of $xGF tokens to access AI BOT Voice GF or other project products/services on Telegram.
xGF marketing is ONLY for promotion to increase popularity and attract new users to our product and DOES NOT intend to suggest any form of token price manipulation and/or speculation. Accordingly, $xGF is not an investment contract and you should not expect any returns and/or profits.
This does not represent our full Disclaimer. Please read our complete disclaimer in our Terms available here.
Last updated